In particular, the social intermediary agencies shall be selected through public bidding in China under the Government Procurement Law and other relevant provisions. 其中,社会中介机构按照《政府采购法》及相关规定,通过国内公开招标产生。
But it was slow to take off since it requires consumers to prove their status as rural residents, and only a certain range of low-end products selected by the Ministry of Commerce in several rounds of bidding are eligible. 但该计划推广缓慢,因为消费者必须证明自己的身份是农村居民,而且只有商务部经过数轮招标选出的特定类别的低端产品符合资格。
By comparing bidding type with non-biding procurement types, the international competitive negotiation was selected for bidding the EFTF cladding project. 经对招标方式和非招标方式进行研究比较,选用国际竞争性谈判方式进行采购。
The equilibrium equations are proposed when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profits of suppliers, and the block bidding and power demand elasticity are also considered. 此外,还分析了分段报价、需求弹性等因素对发电商均衡策略的影响。
In the course of the optimization procedure, considering costs and market clearing price, makes the selected generators bidding strategies conform to the interests of the generation companies and more reasonable. 在优化过程中将电厂的成本函数及市场预测出清价格结合起来,帮助发电厂同时考虑成本及市场出清价格,使得所选的报价策略更符合发电厂的利益,更为合理。
Bid evaluation is the fundamental purpose of selected the true optimal material supply to bid, bring the greatest benefit for the enterprise, is the key to ensure the success of bidding. 评标的根本目的是选中真正最优的物资供应投标方,为本企业带来最大的效益,是保证招标成功的重要环节。
An architectural design is often selected through several rounds of bidding or tender manner. 建筑方案设计经常通过投标或者多轮投标的方式进行。